First Fleet — (« Première flotte ») est le nom donné aux onze premiers navires qui, en mai 1787, partirent établir la première colonie européenne en Nouvelle Galles du Sud. La colonie fut un établissement pénitentiaire et marqua les débuts de la… … Wikipédia en Français
First Fleet — The First Fleet is the name given to the 11 ships which sailed from Great Britain on 13 May 1787 to establish the first European colony in New South Wales. It was a convict settlement, marking the beginnings of transportation to Australia. The… … Wikipedia
First Fleet — HMS Borrowdale, Schiff der First Fleet aus drei Blickwinkeln First Fleet, Reenactment von 1988 … Deutsch Wikipedia
First fleet — Als First Fleet wird die Flotte von Schiffen bezeichnet, die am 13. Mai 1787 Portsmouth in England verließ, um Australien zu besiedeln. An Bord waren insgesamt 756 Strafgefangene und 550 Besatzungsmitglieder[1]. Befehlshaber der Flotte von 11… … Deutsch Wikipedia
First Fleet — /fɜst ˈflit/ (say ferst fleet) noun the ships which brought the first white settlers (convicts, civilians and marines) to Australia in 1788. On 17 May 1787 the 11 ships of the First Fleet – Sirius, Supply, Alexander, Friendship, Scarborough,… …
Condamnés de la First Fleet — First Fleet est le nom donné au premier groupe de onze navires qui ont transporté des condamnés d Angleterre en Australie en 1788. Le voyage a duré 8 mois. La liste ci dessous des personnes transportées n est pas exhaustive. A la fin des années… … Wikipédia en Français
First Fleet — the convoy of ships which established the original white settlement at Sydney in 1788 … Dictionary of Australian slang
first fleet — Australian Slang the convoy of ships which established the original white settlement at Sydney in 1788 … English dialects glossary
List of convicts on the First Fleet — The First Fleet convicts are named on stone tablets in the Memorial Garden, Wallabadah, New South Wales. The First Fleet is the name given to the first group of eleven ships that carried convicts from England to Australia in 1788. Beginning in… … Wikipedia
United States First Fleet — The First Fleet was a unit of the United States Navy, in operation from as early as 1946 (but definitely active by 1948 as the First Task Fleet) to February 1, 1973 in the western Pacific Ocean as part of the Pacific Fleet. In 1973 it was… … Wikipedia
Convicts on the First Fleet — The First Fleet is the name given to the first group of eleven ships that carried convicts from England to Australia in 1788 beginning in 1787 the trip took 8 months.No definitive list of people who traveled on those ships exists; however… … Wikipedia